Prague Cosplay
Calling all Cosplayers!
It is time to get the sewing machines whirring, pull the EVA foam from the cupboard, and have the glue guns at the ready – the New version of the Cosplay Contest is coming to the Calling Prague 2025. Get set to take the stage on Saturday and you could walk away with a Cold Foil cosplay-exclusive Taylor promo card!
The Flesh and Blood Cosplay Contest will showcase 3 Categories plus an extra, that will feature the talented and creative cosplay community as contestants bring the iconic characters of Rathe to life:
- Craftsmanship, how everything has been built, how detailed and/or complex it is.
- Accuracy, how close is the resemblance of the costume and the original artwork.
- Performance, how they bring to life our favourite heroes.
- (extra) We will also reward the best Rookie* with the highest score in any of the above categories
You can participate in 1, 2 or all categories! Up to you if you prefer to be a specialist or a Jack of all trades.
- Please note that for:
- Craftsmanship we would love to see any pictures of the process of creation
- Accuracy, we would love to see pictures that represent the card you will cosplay
- Performance, you will have up to 2 minutes on stage where you can use music, say some words or whatever you need to make this show, the best in Rathe!
Interested in participating in the Flesh and Blood Cosplay Contest?
Please register your details on the form below by Thursday January 16th, 2024 23:59 (anywhere in the world). Once you have submitted your registration form, there is no further action required. We will send you a message on Friday, with your scheduled times to show up on Saturday for the interview with the judges. Performances will start from 18h
*Rookie: a participant that has never won or made a top 4 in a previous Cosplay Contest
- Date: January 18th, 2025
- Time: Craftsmanship and Accuracy judging will happen between 15:00 to 18:00. Performance will then be judged from 18:00 to 18:30 and we will award prizes at 19:00. Wearing the costume during Saturday is recommended to allow judges to interact with the contestants ahead of time.
- Location: Event Stage (at the entrance of the Hall)
Flesh and Blood Cosplay Contest General Guidelines:
- All cosplay contestants must have participated in at least one scheduled event during the Calling Prague Event.
- All costumes must be related to Flesh and Blood characters/cards/world of Rathe
- Each costume must be hand-made - prefabricated store-bought, or rented costumes are NOT permitted. It is expected that some costumes may include minor elements such as wigs, shoes, fabric that have been purchased. As a general rule, at least 75-percent of what you bring onto the stage must be hand-made.
- Participants cannot use a cosplay they have previously won a Flesh and Blood cosplay contest with.
- Participants can only be awarded a maximum 1 Taylor promo card in this competition.
Example: Bravo won a Taylor in the Performance category but also participated in the Accuracy category. He will only be eligible to be part of the Top 4 in Accuracy. - Any category may not award the Taylor promo card if there are an insufficient number of participants or the threshold for the winner does not reach 51% of the total number of points.
- No real weapons or harmful items are allowed to be entered into the Cosplay Contest. This includes, but is not limited to: firearms, incendiary devices, tasers, laser devices, metal swords, knives, daggers etc. Prop weapons are inoperable weapons that support the look of your costume or character.
- By participating in the cosplay contest at the Calling Prague, you authorize event organizers to take your photograph. This photograph may be used for reference by the judges when determining a winner or for promotional use by Legend Story Studios.